Is there really a link between my mouth and heart?

Yes, indeed! While brushing, flossing, and regular visits to Aaron Wellborn are all key to maintaining a healthy smile and mouth, the doctor and our team want you to know the state of your oral health has a significant effect on your overall health.

Our mouths are full of bacteria—some good, and some harmful. Some types of bad bacteria can cause cavities, gingivitis and even periodontal (gum) disease. Without proper oral care and hygiene, these harmful types of bacteria are capable of entering your blood stream through inflamed gums, when inhaled through the mouth or through saliva.

Gum disease, in turn, has been linked to a number of health problems, researchers have found. These include:
the doctor and our team at Aaron Wellborn are experts in identifying and treating periodontal disease. Give us a call today at our convenient Issaquah, Washington office to schedule an appointment to improve your oral health and your overall health, too! Our Location Find us on the map 22526 Se 64th Pl, Building D. Ste 110, Issaquah, WA, 98027, US × + − Leaflet | Map data provided by Internet Brands Hours of Operation
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